Everything You Need To Know About Keeping Horses At Home.

Horses are majestic creatures that can add a lot of personality to your backyard. However, they're also creatures that require special care and equipment to live with you. If you're thinking about getting a horse from Lonhro Horses For Sale but haven't yet done so, here's what you need to know:

Shelter and Fencing Requirements

Horses require shelter and fencing to keep them safe. Horses are susceptible to sunburn, which can be prevented by keeping them out of direct sunlight. A horse needs 4 square feet (1.23 square metres) of shade per 100 pounds (45 kilograms). 

They need to have access to a bedding area or shelter where they can get away from the elements when it’s raining or cold outside. 

Suppose you are trying to keep horses in your backyard. In that case, you should also be aware that there are certain regulations regarding how close your property line can be with any neighbouring properties – so make sure that you speak with an expert about this matter before building any sort of structure for your backyard!

If you live in an urban area, then there may be rules prohibiting people from keeping livestock on their property – but don't despair! There are some great resources online that will help guide you through what steps need taken first such as checking with local authorities before getting started - it will save both time and money in the long run if everything goes according to plan!

Bloodstock Agent

Invest In Proper Equipment And Supplies.

There are a few things you must invest in Lonhro Horses For Sale if you want to keep horses at your home backyard, and the first thing is proper equine equipment. You will need a horse trailer, as well as a riding saddle and bridle. 

The cost of these items depends on what brand you buy, but also how much money you're willing to spend on them. It's important to note that not all saddles are created equal; some of them can cost up to $5,000!

But don't panic—it's not necessary for your animals' safety or comfort that they use expensive saddles or bridles (though if it makes them happy, who are we to judge?). You can find quality horse tack for less than $500 online or at local tack shops around town or Lonhro Horses For Sale.

Another thing that many people overlook when purchasing their first set of horse supplies is blankets & fly masks: these are essential items when living with horses because they protect against biting insects like flies and mosquitos while still allowing the animal freedom of movement while grazing outdoors during daylight hours. A good fly mask should fit snugly around its face without being too tight so as not to restrict movement while grazing on grasses.

Consider Your Neighbors

You should always, without fail, get permission from your neighbours to keep horses at your home backyard. This is because the smell of horse poo and hay is very strong and might not be pleasant for them. 

If you do not get a positive response from them, then it will be necessary to find another place where you can keep them on your own terms.


Horse ownership is a big responsibility, so it’s important to do your homework before you decide to visit Bloodstock Agent. If you have the time and resources, though, then keep reading! We hope this post has helped give you an idea of what goes into caring for a horse—and maybe even inspired some new plans.


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